I Actually don't really care if he has taken a mere audio file, lots of people do that all the time, and he actually credited it before I even got to say a word, I was somewhat honored tbh.
I Acted like a moron, yes, I know. On the time I was suffering from some pressure, and bla bla, but that doesn't explain anything. What can I say? I'm sorry? No. Even I am ashamed from myself xD
Well, what I was trying to say is: Shadow and some other people that I guess wouldn't want to be mentinoned here were quite frustrated by the fact Nao got to qualify the map in less than 3 weeks, with almost all the metadata, even some patterns taken of the set... And there's where the emotional pressure came in, even broken as I was, I got frustrated too and tried to defend them, what I got: Acted like a moron, and got to be in shame.
I'll not delete any of my posts there, not because I'm proud or anything, just because I feel like doing something bad and burying it like nothing happened is quite a coward move.
I'm sorry Nao for ranting on you. And all the community too.
I'm sorry.
The best part is that we work hard on a project, for almost a year, Just for someone with "power" steal it, then the classic"hey star that for me I'll star you later memes", bam, qualified in eleven days.