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first 100pp play, im gonna implode lesgooooo
the expert convert is so NASTY i could DIE!!!!!!! but also my best play because what do you mean i had 99.90% halfway
GG nexus. Wait this is not ytb
If you have seen some map being played when you first arrive at osu!'s homepage, this is the map
If you came looking for a properly timed map you're in the wrong place
the timing is bad
Pure fun.
this map and song are superb!!!!!!! <3<3<3
Free-est 6 month supporter, $50 osu! store credit, and profile badge i've ever seen. dang if only he made some higher bpm songs.
Dat background change
Relax Hacker called "Fever" still here after around 1.5 months before OP
I'm so happy because I've got #44, before, I can't play a taiko mode yet, but now...I can do it YES!!
Fun map!! gj monstrata!!
Wow (O_O) #6.....Unbelievable
/me " i'll waiting for Mania Mapset "
Oww, just lost first place... GOTTA T8K IT BACK
French People everywhere on Insane Diff! @_@
Only two, that's not so much!
It's when it was Qualified.
that was when it was qualified
We're to strong (yes I'm 750K what?)
*takes breath* :V
I didn't finish the mapset ;_;
Waiting for Dovregubben’s Hall (New Ver.)
oh shit.. incoming X diff
I may not playing STD so much, but congrats, i love this song good luck tho on bounty or whatever is that :) haha~