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pat pat pat pat get happy get happy get happy
sounds like mario kart soundtrack lol
so hard
why does this remind me of mario kart
is that dekomori?
master was horribly made, just a trash beatmap
Funny because i think the map is fantasticly made and is a masterpiece
late response, but i think it's suppose to be made like that. That's why it says "CAN YOU REALLY PLAY A 5-STAR MAP?"
amazing map and song good job :D
Nice Mario Kart BGM Kappa
Tfw fingers kind of jazz out on their own and you're left wondering wtf you just played.
notch hell is 5* too
osu needs more mario ka. oh wait wrong beatmap xD
^-^ buhei how about babies?
Ill use Toad.
when is mario kart rainbow road map ranked?
Ayy it's the famous Azerino
from maimai. nice
Wonder why this song sounds like from Mario Kart?
Kano - Walk This Way! oh sorry this is not
Fun one tho :3
More Jimmy Weckl :D
Ozzy Wrikle
That BG though
It's pretty