like your map! gogogo
perfect map <3
My most played map xD
Best music and map ❤️❤️
hdhr on ar9.5 diff smh
if you like hearing this type of music type 'siostry godlewskie' in youtube
very cool hd score on arles diff
greatest example of shizophrenic mapping
play this at my funeral
Shige defeat the final boss
the first FC is a SS what a chad.
bro there is like 3 FCs from 5 years ago
Not the 9.5 AR diff
cookiezi god
Shige's HDHR score is so impressive that he set in 2016, might see him try it more now after the ar 9.5 SS!
where 1x100?
shige wtf
Damn ss
where is int ???
badaimboi pop off
ow this is the first loved arles map :0
just one
my streamer...
the int
oh yeah boi my new favorite song i love it so much
This rank #1 guy still doesnt have a 8* fc medal but he fced loved 8* lul new meme xd
got it already :peepohappy:
whitecat epic hr misscount
vocals are nice
747pp if SSok game
low od and weird patterns
idke got 644pp if ranked.
idke really out here sniping all of cookiezis plays with less acc
Dat snipe
idke no :C
fdl <3
fils wtf
son of llama first fc with 4x 100
Finally he was sniped
zekki ripple
Riviclia wtf