Update I finally decided to switch to mouse on std, i might have a long journey until I recovered to my old status but I think this is the best course of action.
I manage to avoid pain and aim properly so soon to be a good player
I don't know who donated the supporter but thank you so much <3 pt:Não sei quem doou o supporter mas muito obrigado <3 thanks again for the supporter
Status: I don't really know because I keep doing breaks and get frustated, but I will never quit that for sure pp goals
Mania (4k)
-10pp ✔️ (x-encounter normal +NC FC) -50pp ✔️ (eletric sister bitch 3 miss S rank) -100pp -200pp -300pp -400pp ...
My first #1 on a map 24/08/23
Inspirations My good friend wukong
Players that I respect -Wukong -Mrekk, gnahus and other good aim players -Aetrna and sytho Any good mapper