so fun
BAI BAI '-. .-' '-. .-' '-. .-' '-. .-' '-' (/) '-' (/) '-' (/) '-' (/) '-' (/) '-' (/) '-' (/) '-' (/) ´´´-.-´-.-´-.-´-.-´-.-´-.
this sonfg
i cant even get to the part everyone praises the charting for but im sure its great
HOOOOOOLY 97% finally
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i love you so much for making this map
whacky ahh 5*
this is really epik map
perfect map
who put the rolls there man
i think u can do them now
they're fun
Jesus this map is good
dan course for 5 digits kekw
featured artist :sunglasses:
escuchan eso???? significa peligro
best map
this map is good the reason why is good like the mid part is actually good
broke my fingers wtf
it feels like my fingers are dancing... this is my favourite chart for sure
Another one of my favorite osu!mania maps getting loved. this is crazy
Fun map
Congratulations LeiN- !!
love it
such a great map, happy to see it finally loved