It's around 2014. It started when I listened to this song on a whim while driving. I thought that this would make for a really fun beatmap, especially the middle and ending segments of the song. Even as I've been inactive and away from osu!, I couldn't get enough of it. I wanted to map more, I wanted to do more things.
College happened. A breakup happened. I come back for a small period of time, assure myself, "I'm totally going to make this happen!", but the cycle continued. For months, I didn't progress on anything because of this inactivity.
I must've finished [Freedom] by March 2014. I don't remember anymore. A year later, I decided to map an [Insane]. It took so long to get that finished. Once more, I occupied myself with other things, hid myself deep elsewhere, and devoted myself to my college studies. But it was a struggle.
This song has a lot of different meanings to me. It was first innocent, and something that I just wanted to map, or at least something balls to the wall hard. Now the words strike a bit more when I've been struggling to cope with my breakup. Now the words strike even more when I keep getting into this endless cycle of coming back into osu! fulfilled with empty promises. Now the words strike even more that I want all of that stuff to stop.
So I hope that uploading this map makes me free and gives me peace of mind. So that I can move on and learn from some of the more unpleasant things in life, and strive and want to strive and do what I do best.
(and that's not make maps, am I right? ayyy lmao)
r81015.01: WOW I didn't notice that snapping error in [Freedom], LMAO