01:39:017 & 03:28:582 - Missed opportunity to use the iconic cheer hitsound, here it is if you want to include it: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RHHHA3BJP8PbfnHkaZxk3ek_Lys-okh2/view?usp=sharing :)
01:29:234 - 1/2s during this section could get more whistles too, having too many jumps with just the softhitnormal doesn't do much justice to your rhythms
There are other sections that would benefit from this too: 01:44:886 -; 01:50:104 - until 01:55:321 -; 02:08:365 - until 02:18:799 -; 03:34:452 -; 03:39:669 - until 03:44:886 -; 03:47:495 -; 03:57:930 - until 04:05:756 -; 04:08:365 -; 04:18:799 - until 04:29:234
02:53:038 - 02:53:691 - 02:54:343 - 02:55:647 - 02:56:299 - 02:56:952 - 02:58:256 - 02:58:908 - 02:59:560 - same thing for these
This is basically an extension of #4199656 which you applied really well, just made it a little more explicit by spamming exact timelines
Current hitsounding doesn't provide enough feedback
01:13:582 - take for example this section where you don't highlight any of the 1/1 drums, which can be easily fixed by adding sampleset drum to them
other sections like 00:10:973 - could have more whistles to follow the melody/vocals (00:11:299 - drum sampleset + soft additions + whistle, 00:11:462 - whistle, 00:11:625 - whistle, etc etc). Same logic would apply for the chorus and other sections, like 01:40:321 (4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6) - this following the synth but the only feedback players receive is a drum and a snare every 1/1 beat, because the soft-hitnormal doesn't provide enough feedback
If you wanna keep the default sampleset that's the easiest way to fix that, but if you wanna try with customs there are more ways like adding a louder soft-hitnormal like this one and also adding whistles to remark more important beats like melodies/vocals/etc
If you need more help here don't hesitate in asking me :)