BG for LIGHT and CHALLENGE by Z3nx a.k.a Zenx a.k.a Evening, EX_ZERO by me.
Changelog, sorted by latest> Popping for HS and incoming IRC mod.
> Another trial and error.
> Final mod by KK, hopes this one makes to the q chart
> Rebub after small mod by Zan -
> Resnap, deleted most SVs, repattern. Ready for requalify.
> Disqualanjayyy
> Failed to q
> Pop and resize the image. Literally mod coming.
> Retag ok
> Homura, removed bursts on EXZ and most of the SVs, literally remapped some part. Bubble by Zan -
> Grave and dig.
> Gomuryuu mods and some selfmod... hopes this is the last mod...
> Gotta revive this again before it gets graved (lol)
> P14 mods
> GC mods
> LASU mods
> Repattern
> AT mods
> Mod from the star(ry)
> Repattern and snapping fix
> Metadata fix
> DrawdeX mods
> Shinzo mods
> MEGA's minor mod
> Mod by Ichi
> S a k u r a mods and remapped CH ;w;
> EXZ redesign on SV, sudden error fix, re-DL
> Pharos21 mods
> Mod by ruberusu
> #osumania people helps me w/ SV change, altered (both) the prev image and BG
> Resampled and modded by Ex-U
> First release