Official sources: https://ivudot.com/
artist: ivudot
the artist's name Ivodot is incorrect. according to the official website and the correctly ranked map https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/1727268#osu/3529900, it should be "vu" instead of "vo." and based on YouTube, Twitter, and Instagram, just be in lowercase, "i." imo, but "I" seems fine if follow the ranked map set.
✔Artist : いゔどっと - Ivodot
✔Song : グーフ・ホープ - Goof Hope
✔Source : None
❌Tags : pop japanese J-pop 784667706 Posaquet Sandrew Lobelia Beren 永澤和真 agehasprings 奥田一馬 NiPOCHi よたばいと
add : ARCANA
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