idk how, but beatmap set id from Carthasis' diff did not update at all when uploaded/updated. In case it doesn't update again after your future update, change it manually
For lower diff Muzu/Futsuu/Kantan
Consider using a slightly slower SV for this part? from 02:01:658 - to 02:19:348 - .
Most beginner are not used to that scrolling speed. Considering the music is a bit more than 3 minutes, not only their fingers need rest, but their eyes too.
Even considering lower SV multiplicator, the scrolling speed is still like this:
will just lower the overall sv a bit more since I don't want to use sv changes outside of base sv. do want to keep the scroll bpm somewhat high though, so:
kantan 1.1x -> 1x base
futsuu 1.2x -> 1.1x base
muzu 1.25x -> 1.2x base
this should align closer to what I want since these are half bpm diffs