the hitcircle set requires a bunch of other elements:
tbh it doesn't look that great anyway and i think most people would prefer to just play with their map skin + your custom sliderball so personally i think it would be easier to just remove hitclrcle and hitcircleoverlay
is unused since you are using an animated sliderball and it can be deleted
also the sliderball set requires a sliderfollowcircle.png and sliderscorepoint.png to be a full set
let me know if you have questions about these
should make each diffs background a new location for the rat to get jiggy and make it a powerpoint presentation
the album art is fine for a bg too but going along with the skin i think this would be thematically more appropriate
custom sliderborder is required under [colours] in each diffs .osu since you have elements from the slider set, should look something like this:
Combo1 : 223,223,223
Combo2 : 95,95,95
Combo3 : 82,142,255
Combo4 : 245,76,98
Combo5 : 219,24,24
Combo6 : 241,79,10
Combo7 : 164,164,255
Combo8 : 213,170,170
SliderBorder : 255,255,255
edit/change some backgrounds of video like famous popular streams maps
to >>> famous popular JUMP maps
the whole music composition is a 1/2, doesn't make a sense such background of streams maps references onto a jump mapset :rage: