mapped by _Kobii
This beatmap was ranked on 27 March 2025!
nominated by _Stan and AWMRone
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I don't know much about mapping but isn't the accuracy value normally higher than 6? I could be wrong, but I thought it was around 7.5.


OD value has to be lower due to the amount of LNs in the map

Marked as resolved by _Kobii

Thanks for clearing that up for me :D


Yeah I knew u1d's LOST letter here is so damn cool but for ranable side, sorry I have to say this is seems not that proper for me.
based on the melody itself
01:40:800 - L
here just a vocal 1/1 and some 1/4 beat rhythm,, and a dump feeling after 01:41:025 - , so basically how to express those thing you made 01:40:800 (100800|5,100800|4,100900|3,100937|2,100950|4,100975|5) -
01:45:600 - O
a vocal 1/1 and 3x 1/4 melody with a dump feeling after 01:45:750 - , the "o" dumping here basically cant show the melody on 01:45:600 - 01:45:675 - 01:45:750 -
01:50:400 - S
a part similar to L, so the overall setting is totally different with L, can't be expressed or explained well imo.
01:55:200 - T
a part similar to O

I think we'd better make this part more reasonable for the song itself, not LOST, 不然真的很难解释非常牵强


dark red: vocal chord
light red: 👆 but rhythm different
purple: vocal chord but tone changed
X: clap rhythm
transparent red: another vocal chord to connect to next one


yea I made a new version, do you think it is appropriate now


now it seems reasonable enough

Marked as resolved by _Stan

jump to this part, yeah, LETTER is really COOL like COOLEST but only it can be explained well in rankable side when ranking, or it really hard to explain why mapped like that unless only do visual.
06:41:788 (401788|0,401788|6,401863|3,401938|4,401938|2,402013|1,402013|5,402388|2,402388|4,402388|1,402388|5,402425|3,402988|5,402988|3,402988|2,402988|4,402988|1,403213|4,403213|5,403213|3) -
thing like this I'll pointed out that the rhythm here is 3/4 this the beat rhythm composer made, based on this we can found that MWC letters are not really fit the rhythm in this part, cuz when it came to LNed, that just really hard to explain why the middle rhythm of 3/4 part got 3 different style, 2LNs+1note, 3notes and 3 LNs


personally think it does play fine here without feeling too awkward imo, if it does interrupt the playability here then I do consider changing them. Yes I would like to keep it for the visual and I think it would be cool to keep them although from ranking pov it does feel inconsistent. I believe we can make this exceptional for this part since it plays only the small part.

Let me know what you thought


I must declare that I have no hostility or opinion towards this behavior because for visual effects, we can even create more letters, not just MWC. I know this song is very meaningful, but because it is too important, it will have a great impact. Starting from the perspective of whether there are any issues with playing, I believe that this is indirectly encouraging everyone to insert various meaningful letters through visual means. In other words, if we assume that MWC can do this because it is a World Cup, then events in other regions will be affected too and keep their letter in maps when it's TB, even some latter witch hard to "draw" like Q, G, K, X.
Standardization, rationality of expression, impact of significant events on the future, and quality of maps. I sincerely hope that this map is more based on its own melody and instruments rather than creating specific effects (due to its high attention, the standards aren't be too relaxed)
Once again, I really like and support this idea, and I have also used it myself. But through previous editions of TB ('22, '23, '24), these letters were not preserved (if the map had).


dropping my 2 cents here

if the letters art in question poses no playability issue, and is accurate to the song (which imo is already accurate enough) we really don't have to think about it too much. unless it is detrimental to the gameplay of course.

in the end the map is meant to be played by the players, and mappers are free to express their intention however they like it. previous TBs not using it doesn't mean that it can't be used for this one, it gives the map a unique identity. i personally think we are way past the point of standardizing maps according to a set of ideals


注意到这三拍都是切分结构,即:06:42:013 - 这里有一个重音,这三个字母在这里刚好凑成了三押,并且06:41:788 - 主拍的长音都有两个1/1LN作为体现。
这种程度在我这里可以接受,只是06:41:863 (401863|3,402425|3) - 这里为了画字母用了一个过渡,一个grace我觉得都在接受范围之内






You didn't answer my worries and also your reply "要求3/4处的旋律完全用相同的配置可能有一些苛刻了" are not valid since I never said they should be used in simialr way strictly




solved after discussed

Marked as resolved by _Stan

After testing, I think the final paragraph of the current version is still too difficult. A certain nerf is required, and some of the issues I have posted in the discussion forum .Will be closed after the difficulty balance is resolved


it's fine for me, can check it out after the game


^ I mean agree with nerf


I agree with the nerf.

Density adjustment is required in the latter part of the BPM increase section


nerfed my parts



Marked as resolved by AWMRone