I personally think the current kiais are really dense for an oni on bpm that isn't extremely low:
I think you can add a bit more 1/1 breaks instead of having a huge chain including 5plets aswell.
For example you could remove 00:25:539 and 00:25:632, this would create a great 1/1 break while also cutting a 5plet to a triplet.
You could do the same for 00:31:507 & 00:31:600 and arguably 00:34:864
Some other examples for the same reason: 00:38:967, 00:39:060 - 00:41:951, 00:42:044 - 00:55:404, 00:55:497 - 00:58:668, 00:58:761
TLDR: due to all the quints I think the chains should be shorter, this can also be done while cutting some quints and changing them to triplets