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01:46:618 - 01:46:904 moving the 1 slider slightly further down allows for the same general movement but helps make the map play smoother and look nicer :D


i honestly dont understand why its necessary

Marked as resolved by mex1337



From what I see, you do emphasis for objects either by Aim direction change or Big spacing.

But then, sometimes this is not applied consistently, for example:

You're also doing kicksliders here but the spacing is quite small compared to the circle jumps like 00:36:332 (6,7,1). Considering that this is the Top diff, you definitely have more leeway to add big spacings and movement variation

You can make some tweaks to the emphasis so that these kicksliders have more impact.


I'm not a kickslider. They are literally everywhere circular or go in an arc 00:28:332 (6,7,1,2) - circular movement 00:29:189 (5,6,7) - circular movement 00:30:047 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - circular movement 00:31:475 (5,6,1,2,1) - circular movement, etc. Yes I change the “angle” of the circle that would differentiate, as there are 3 choruses in the song and playing them with the same movement on the “corners” is boring.
01:10:475 (6,7) - theres no difference in spacing. i dont think a player when playing a map notices a difference of 0.15

Marked as resolved by mex1337

01:33:047 - 01:33:332 i would recomend spacing the 1 and the 3 note further apart so they dont overlap because it feels a little cluttered :D


01:37:761 the way you did it here feels a lot cleaner to play :D and makes for a nicer visual aswell



Marked as resolved by mex1337