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00:03:342 Double alternation seems risky for this difficulty, perhaps you can remove one note here for simplyfing reasons

00:03:570 - 00:04:024 - 00:06:979 - 00:07:206 - 00:08:115 - would also need to be removed if you accept this


00:08:342 These type of double alternation has already been used on normal, I think for a better gradual representation you can reduce it to single notes only and leave the double located at the start of this section


00:11:070 (11070|0,11070|1,11297|3,11297|2) There are various sounds like the kicks, cymbals that are louder than these clap sounds - I suggest you to reduce these doubles as single notes only


00:11:979 I get that it's an intense part that acts completely the opposite to parts like the vocal start, because it adds on parallel percussion, but I think this would work better at Normal or Hard difficulties, as this is a chart that is presented to starter players, who aren't very familiar with these kind of patterns -- I completely recommend to follow up the previous suggestion on vocal simplification, which could go like this:


00:25:729 Normal isn't following this base part, so it shouldn't be Easy difficulty - I'd recomend to remove this long note


00:36:524 This is very heardable to avoid; The long note could be representin the fade-in but there are more prominent sounds to represent in here, such as the trumpet and/or this cymbal - I recommend to represent the trumpet with the plus of the cymbal instead while mantaining a reasonable amount of notes mapped in there (Simplification)


00:37:433 I think you wanted to give a priority on bass and vocal sounds by alternating them every 8 1/1's, and that's pretty fine, but the doubles tell me otherwise. Doubles here could work for intense moments like 1/1 kick+cymbal but this is a calm part, and even adding the fact that it's an Easy difficulty so, to make this more adequate for it's skill requirement I suggest to reduce the double amount by alternating 2 - 1 - 2 - 1 in 1/1 snapping.

What I refer is to remove 00:38:342 - 00:39:251 - 00:40:160 - 00:41:070 - 00:41:979 - and etc
