01:40:579 - 01:52:579 - that's 38/1 continuous mapping with 2/1 break.
According to Ranking Criteria guideline's:
At least 1 rest moment that is 2/1 or longer should be inserted after 32/1 to 36/1 of continuous mapping. Using rest moments less frequently is acceptable if either the pace of the music makes rest moments counter-intuitive or if the continuously mapped part is overall more forgiving to the player.
According to RC, 3/2 rest doesn't make it up. and continuous 1/1 like here 01:45:316 (137,138,139,140,141,142) - doesn't count either.
If you consider it's a heavy 1/2 parts, dense patterns makes it less forgiving toward the player.
here's some place where you could delete a note for a 2/1:
00:02:053 - 00:12:158 - even if you use longer break in this part, the fact you used 5 notes 1/2 kinda break the slow feeling you'd expect from a slow/less intense part.
It even reduce the impact of the next part 00:12:158 - 00:21:000 - which have more density, but doesn't really feel like having a clear intensity change.
I know you're following the vocals with it, but skipping few notes would really help making it more consistent with others parts. Like, the intro is pretty similar to 01:02:684 - 01:07:737 - .
For example, you could delete those notes 00:03:474 - 00:03:790 - 00:04:737 - 00:05:053 - 00:08:526 - 00:08:842 - 00:10:105 - . It allow to keep the general vocal idea while decreasing density quite a lot.