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00:24:509 (2) - spacing here should be slightly bigger than 3 notes before to emphasize the more intense drum sound and higher pitched vocals


changed the distance between the circle and the slider without ruining the flow that was already made.

as i understand it's because the drum AND the vocals are higher pitched together, because if only the drum then it will make the rest of the map some kind of inconsistent with this one.

i tried to find in this map more of something like that and didn't find, but it may just mean that i can't recognize this type of thing, or the rest was made correctly.

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00:51:606 (4,1) - shouldnt this be active rhythm like here 00:53:703 (1,2,3,1,2,1,2) - for consistency. also these vocal notes are quite strong so i think i makes since for all of them to be tappable. I also think having them be tappable would be good for the build up to the kiai


Changed 00:51:606 (1,2,1,2) - from 2 sliders to 3 circles and 1 slider, i'm not sure if it was what you've talked about, but now it should be an active rhythm that is tap-able to build up to the kiai

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this is exactly what i was talking about :)


00:59:832 (1) - Spacing here should be bigger to emphasize strain in vocals


01:10:155 (1) - same here


Increased the space between the sliders that you mentioned

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00:55:316 (2,3) - like with top diff I think it would look nicer to make this and the similar patterns in this map have a bit of space between the slider ends but here it doesn't look that bad so this is only a suggestion.


the little overlaps were made in purpose, there is line in the song
"I want you to lean on me, too"
"Just a little, like a girl would"

  • there is "But at least, we are similar" witch is a reason why the sliders looks the same
    but i must've missed some, cuz i tried to not overthink it
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this is also valid to the higher diff


01:02:413 (3) - doesn't fit the song I think as the sliderend has a stronger sound than the sliderhead


changed the slider position with the circle before it, now the strong sound is a circle

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01:09:509 (1,1,1) - the overlaps in this pattern unlike the others in this diff are very ugly you should probably change them
at least if not everything else


changed some other overlaps to be more consistent, but this in particular should not of been in overlap at the first place

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did fix it


the pattern at 00:13:058 should look like the continue of the slider on 00:12:735
something similar i did here 00:25:800, just without the circles at the beginning

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nwm, i put the nc on the 00:12:735 slider instead
