Easy and Unyielding
Tsuyo Girlfriend (TV Size)Otonari
mapped by Nonemu
last updated
Circle Size
HP Drain
Approach Rate
Star Rating


Original MV

(Logs) Updates & Changes
Uploaded [ 17.01.2025 ] - Ver.1 ( Strong Will )
Deleted diff [ 19.01.2025 ] ( Setup diff )
Edit [ 22.01.2025 ] ( Strong Will )
  1. Added Hitsounds
  2. Added Tags
  3. 01:14:832 - changed the horizontal way of the slider
  4. fixed/added some combo colors for constintency
Edit [ 23.01.2025 ] ( Strong Will )
  1. Fixed some hitsounds
Added diff [ 29.01.2025 ] - Ver.1 ( Easy and Unyielding )
Added diff [ 31.01.2025 ] - Ver.1 ( Is This Normal? )
Edit [ 31.01.2025 ] ( Is This Normal? )
  1. CS from 3.5 to 3
  2. AR from 6 to 5.5
  3. OD from 5 to 4
Deleted diff [ 08.02.2025 ] - Ver.1 ( Is This Normal? )
Re-Maped [ 08.02.2025 ] - Ver.2 ( Is This Normal? )
Deleted & Changed many patterns
witch turn the map from [ Ver.1 ] to [ Ver.2 ]
If to be a little more specific about the changes
  1. Got rid of streams, because of the low BPM the streams was slow witch it make it a lot harder for new players
  2. Changed slider speed from 1,60 to 1,90, the map felt overall slower from the Easy difficult, so i decided to increase the slider speed
  3. Changed/Fixed some combo colors
  4. Changed a lot of patterns because they was very linear and VERY boring, witch also make the map feels slower than the Easy diff
  5. Got rid of stream triples, they was too hard to read for new players.
    example of what it was
    (Slider, Circle, Triple, Circle, Triple, Circle, Triple, Circle, Slider, Circle)
Uploaded [ 18.02.2025 ] - Ver.1 ( Hard to Admit )
Edit [ 18.02.2025 ] - General update
  1. Added Tag "japanese"
Edit [ 21.02.2025 ] - General update
  1. Deleting all the Bookmarks from all diffs
Edit [ 21.02.2025 ] ( Strong Will )
  1. Fixed some hitsounds
Uploaded [ 21.02.2025 ] - Ver.1 ( Insane with Concern )
Edit [ 21.02.2025 ] ( Insane with Concern )
  1. Fixed unsnapped hit objects
Edit [ 21.02.2025 ] ( Is this Normal? )
  1. Changed 2 sliders shape at 01:00:961 and 01:01:606
Edit [ 21.02.2025 ] ( Strong Will )
  1. Changed circles positions at 01:10:639 and 01:10:800
    it felt very awkward and unnecessary
Edit [ 21.02.2025 ] ( Hard to Admit )
  1. Fixed very bad overlaping issues
    (Thx to ChaosEater to bring it up)
Edit [ 21.02.2025 ] ( Insane with Concern )
  1. Fixed some New combo
  2. Fixed some overlaps
  3. 01:02:574 changed the note from slider-end to circle
    because it was a strong sound witch slider-end didn't fit
    (Thx to ChaosEater to bring it up)
  4. 01:09:509 (1,1,1) - changed the distance beetwen the sliders to not overlap
    (Thx to ChaosEater to bring it up)
Edit [ 21.02.2025 ] ( Insane with Concern )
  1. Increased the space between some sliders to emphasize strain in vocals
    (Thx to ItzArtic to bring it up)
Edit [ 22.02.2025 ] ( Easy and Unyielding )
  1. Changed diff name from "Weak but Stubborn" to "Easy and Unyielding"
    (Thx to bbbprooooo to bring it up)
Edit [ 22.02.2025 ] ( Insane with Concern )
  1. Changed 2 sliders at 00:51:606 - to 3 circles and slider to better build up the kiai section
    (Thx to ItzArtic to bring it up)
Edit [ 22.02.2025 ] ( Strong Will )
  1. In 00:44:348 until 00:47:251 changed distance between objects, it was unreasonably high when the temp of the song&music didn't change much
    (Thx to Uber to bring it up)
Edit [ 23.02.2025 ] ( Insane with Concern )
  1. In 00:24:509 Changed the distance between the circle and the slider to emphasize the higher drum sound and higher pitched vocals
    (Thx to ItzArtic to bring it up)
Edit [ 25.02.2025 ] - General update
  1. Easy and Unyielding
    1. 00:56:284 -> 00:57:251 - Changed from repeat-slider to an active rhythm
    2. 00:45:639 - Removed the circle, now it's just one longer slider
  2. Is This Normal?
    1. Made some sliders fit better to the circles
    2. 00:36:768 -> 00:39:832 - I didn't like that part, so i changed it
    3. 01:04:671 - Changed from repeat-slider to an active rhythm
    4. 01:12:251 - Changed from one slider to 2 circles
  3. Hard to Admit
    1. 00:48:703 - put the secondary slider near the first one instead of overlay it
    2. 00:43:380 -> 00:44:832 - Changed from circles and sliders to only sliders, and changed the last slider form to fit the flow
    3. 00:46:445 - here was a missing circle for some reason
  4. Insane with Concern
    1. Fixed some hitsounds
  5. Strong will
    1. 00:44:509 -> 00:45:961 - Changed the distance to emphasize for the higher pitch in the song
Edit [ 26.02.2025 ] ( Easy and Unyielding )
From Ver.1 to Ver.1.1
Changed to much stuff
  1. Changed various rhythm (circle&slider) placement choices
  2. Changed NCs (New Combo)
  3. Changed many "patterns" if you can call it like that on Easy diff
  4. Due to changed rhythm choices, fixed some hitsounds
    (Thx to The Cosmic Chef to bring it up)
Re-Maped [ 26.02.2025 ] Ver.3 ( Is this Normal? )

  • The map wasn't Fit to the ranking criteria, so i re-maped the map, now it should be VERY boring.
    the ranking criteria doesn't allow any expression to the song on normal diff, it should be very boring. this is why when i made it, i thought about how to make the player want to leave the game and never come back because of how horrible the map is.
    at this point not allowing to use AI to map easy and normal should be a hot take, because map easy and normal diff is not human able, it's just a slave labor that nobody cares about even the mapper it self. it's the worst thing i ever did since i start to learn how to map. never again plz
  1. Changed some various rhythm (circle&slider) placement choices
  2. Changed some NCs (New Combo)
  3. Due to changed rhythm choices, fixed some hitsounds
    (Thx to The Cosmic Chef to bring the issue with not rank able up)
Edit [ 28.02.2025 ] ( Is this Normal? )
  1. Fixed some hitsounds
Edit [ 28.02.2025 ] ( Is this Normal? )
  1. 00:21:929 to 00:22:413 Changed to active rhythm
  2. 00:48:703 changed slider velocity from 0.5x to 0.7x
  3. 01:00:316 to 01:02:413 Changed the rhythm
  4. 01:10:800 to 01:12:735 Changed the rhythm
    (Thx to The Cosmic Chef to bring up those problems)
Edit [ 28.02.2025 ] ( Hard to Admit )
  1. simplified the section in 00:07:251 -> 00:07:897
    (Thx to The Cosmic Chef to bring it up)

Success Rate


Points of Failure


thx, i will add hitsounds in the future