Tablet area: X:0 Y:64 W:158 H:165 (New: W:300 H:300 full area i just cut a bit to make a square) Ingame sensibility: 1 i go to 1.15 sometimes (New: 1.95 with the full area) (mouse windows speed if needed, 8 with 1000dpi) Screen: 2715,1527 (on old driver)
Pass and Fcing: Katayoku no tori, Painters of the tempest, and In Putris Stagnum (Pass yuh but fc hope one day) Having fun actually (Done) playing the game for the game and not only for pp score and all only for me, dont care yup (done) Being better and better all days (endless) getting 4 digits because its cool (in progress) getting a girlfriend (finally done) (nvm)
Popoff dates
First 100pp : 2019 a peu pres je sais plus First 200pp : 7/7/2020 5 digits : 24/08/2020 300pp : 26/12/2020 400pp : 19/12/2023
Toji the real one
this is 2 word xooty
Respectable Players
(Eldawn) Huge Player and one of my motivation on osu (I hope beat him one day on ranking) (Nexos) First person who gave me motivation to be better and fun on osu (Kuki1537) Best mapper for me, I got to 5 digits from his maps. (I give him all my support) (Csanoob) My first ever rival on osu and a very good irl friend. (Cookiezi) The person who gave me Fking hype of osu he is a monster. (FlyingTuna) Insane player just insane. (RyuK) Goodbye Blankfield. wtf ? (Peppy) Thx for osu. (BTMC) Insane stream / stamina player (Vaxei) just a fking god ,his tsukinami hd dt is just my favorite ever play on osu that why (WhiteCat) yeah XD he broke too much this game (Merami/aetrna) ur not humain (-raizen-) u can beat the lama for #1 country. (-SS or quit-) he actually came back wtf (Spare) Insane speed player (Karthy) I want ur consistency dude (Zylice) I know u can hit that 2 digits barrier and even 1 digit one day (TheKushVanMan) Ayo im waiting this DT Xevel fc (Woey) Damn u do some insane score ur so underrated (GN) ur oddloop play deserve all my respect (ASecretBox) damn u have all my dream scores (Umbre) yup you're just too good (Mr.ekk) when #1 (he is now) (Varvalian) Best Waifu and surely the best nomod player ever (xootynator) second best waifu and 2021 shige (Rektygon) Popping off ur just insane speed consistancy u have everything (Spare) Speeeeeeeeeeeddd (Bubbleman) Like vaxei ur just good at everything and damn in tournament/1v1 u are mentaly invincible (okayuthigh) ma man (lightingloyz) also ma man (iwird) also also ma man (KWIA) also also also ma man (z_Miight) also also also also ma man (Nivlem) also also also also also ma man
[I like a lot of top players sry if i forget some of them]