you can make the map feel better to play if you show more contrast between section
ex. 01:37:141 - 01:49:657 vs 02:06:773 - 02:29:779, song in 1st section are very calm while 2nd one are very intense
but currently the spacing between both section are quite similar, like 01:37:693 (2,3,4,5) have higher spacing than more intense sound on 02:09:902 (1,2,3,4,5,6)
you should map calm section to be easier to play than intense section
and you can do dat by lowering the spacing / use more slider (or both)
for ex. you could do like the pic on 01:37:141 (1,2,3,4,5)
left side use both lower spacing and more slider, the slider still cover both vocal but start on more important one which is 01:37:877 (3)
right side use only lower spacing which is fine too
both option are fine since they show clear contrast that this is a calm section