=================== GENERAL CHECK ==================
Summary: 🟢
⟣ The audio format is in .mp3 its 192kbps. Spek graphs the audio around the 19 kHz range, which translates to 192 kbps. The bit rate matches up and the quality cannot be higher rankability-wise, so this audio is good.
Summary: 🟢
⟣ BPM: Consistent 143.5
⟣ Offset: 62,317
⟣ The metronome performs well at being in-sync with the song. I could not point out any delays, and the position of the starting BPM line is fine. This is good.
Summary: 🔴
You have two different image files in your song folder. The file you are using is "bg.jpg" (based off of .osu code), delete "2590bd81779067.5d09cacf46976" from the song folder. The analysis below will be for the background you are using.
⟣ Background Dimensions: 1493 x 1439 ✔️
⟣ Size: 895 KB ✔️
⟣ Image Format: .jpg ✔️
Note: The height of your background was 2 pixels away from being unacceptable for RC, so be a bit mindful of the size of your backgrounds.
Summary: 🟡
⟣ Liminal
[OD: 6.3 / HP: 7.5]
⟣ Although it is clear that the low values were done with the intention to make the map accessible to play, I think the values are way too low and passing the map is not remotely a challenge.
⟣ To solve this in my opinion, I would increase OD to around 6.8 - 7.2 and increase HP to around 8.0 - 8.4. This makes the map more challenging so that players cannot just flop around, but also maintains the intention of having the map accessible.
Summary: 🔴
Artist/Romanised Artist
- Gongjoong Doduk/공중도덕 ✔️
Title/Romanised Title
- Swamp/늪지대 ✔️
- N/A ✔️
Current Tags
공중도둑 Mid-Air Thief Psychedelic Folk Pop Folktronica Neo Korean Male Vocalist Shadow Community ❌
새눈바탕 Bird's Eye Batang Gongjoongdoduk 휴 Hyoo 그림자 공동체
- All of Gongjoong Doduk's aliases. These were all included in your ranked Mid-Air Thief map, but you did not add it here.veggita28
- Your old username. You included it in your last two ranked maps so it seems like you forgot, but if you want to de-attach from this name and do not want people to search it up to find this, then you can choose to not add it.2015
- Album release dateKyu Lee 이규 Cosmos Superstar 코스모스 슈퍼스타
- These people were given credits for the making of Swamp.Psychedelic Progresssive Folk Avant-Folk Avant Dream Pop Folktronica Neo-Psychedelia Neo Psychedelia Neo-Psych Psych Dubstep
- Genre tagsFinal Tags
공중도둑 Mid-Air Thief Shadow Community 새눈바탕 Bird's Eye Batang Gongjoongdoduk 휴 Hyoo 그림자 공동체 2015 Kyu Lee 이규 Cosmos Superstar 코스모스 슈퍼스타 Psychedelic Progresssive Folk Avant-Folk Avant Dream Pop Folktronica Neo-Psychedelia Neo Psychedelia Neo-Psych Psych Dubstep Korean veggita28 Male Vocalist
Related Artists
공중도둑 Mid-Air Thief Shadow Community 새눈바탕 Bird's Eye Batang Gongjoongdoduk 휴 Hyoo 그림자 공동체
Album / Song Info
2015 Kyu Lee 이규 Cosmos Superstar 코스모스 슈퍼스타
Genres & Language
Psychedelic Progresssive Folk Avant-Folk Avant Dream Pop Folktronica Neo-Psychedelia Neo Psychedelia Neo-Psych Psych Dubstep Korean
Misc / General Info
veggita28 Male Vocalist
Metadata Sources
https://rateyourmusic.com/rgenre/set?album_id=6394417 (Select to 5th song)
Summary: 🟢
⟣ Is peak within 5ms? ✔️
⟣ Is the audio format either in .wav or .ogg? ✔️
⟣ Is it audible? ✔️
⟣ Is it over 25ms long? ✔️
⟣ Is it appropriate? ✔️
I will recommend to activley change the volume of your hitnormal to correspond with the song's volume as it changes a lot. For example, the hitnormal at 01:02:317 is very loud, but the hitnormal at 03:59:599 is a bit challenging to hear.
mango was threatening to take away my family if i didnt participate in his propoganda
but u did so I did not take your family, you are falsely accusating me
Since Cosmos Superstar is a female vocalist, you can also add female
if you want~