You seem to have issues with placing your new combos (NC) in your difficulties as they don't really seem consistent with each other separatedly. It is important that you follow a consistent rule when using new combos, for example if you want to place a combo every verse of the vocals you should do this consistently throughout your diff to keep the harmony of your combos.
In this case, they appear a bit arbitrary, as sometimes (using top diff as an example) you have combos like 00:14:474 where you go up to five and then use a combo when the verse changes, which is fine, but then at 00:19:090 -> 00:21:674 you go up to 8 even though the vocal verse is changing, then at 00:21:674 (1,2,3) - you completely change your first idea about new combos, ruining your consistency.
I'll give you detailed explanation for each difficulty in the replies of this post for readability so you know how to fix these!
00:04:320 (4,1) - Swap these NC for the new verse going on at 00:04:320
00:07:274 (4,1) - Same ^
00:10:228 (4) - Add NC
00:20:566 (1,3) - Swap NC for verse change
00:29:428 (1) - Remove NC
00:39:766 (4,1) - Swap NC for new verse
00:44:197 (1) - Remove NC
00:47:151 (1) - Same ^
00:56:013 (1,3) - Swap NC for verse change and remove NC at 00:58:966 (1) -
01:01:920 (1) - Remove NC, same at 01:04:874 (1) - , 01:07:828 (1) -
That would be everything since currently the second kiai is a copy paste of the first so you can do the same new combos from the first kiai after you remap that kiai like I recommended you to.
For low difficulties having such short combos is a killer for the new players because if you fail a new combo note your HP drain faster, having so many new combos would result in players potentially retrying the map multiple times from their HP bar draining too fast for them to keep up, you can have short combos, sure, but only when it is justified, the rest should have a decent amount of objects before another combo approaches.
00:14:474 (1,2) - and 00:26:290 (1,2) - Swap NC for downbeat on 00:14:659 (usually for low diffs it's better to have NC on a white line)
00:16:136 (6,1) - Swap NC for verse change
00:20:566 (1) - and 00:22:597 (1) - Remove NC
(These apply for both kiais, first and second sections (00:24:997 -> 00:36:813 // 01:24:074 -> 01:35:890)
00:38:290 (1) - // 00:41:243 (1) - // 00:44:197 (1) - // 00:47:151 (1) - Remove NC
00:49:920 (1) - Remove NC
00:52:874 (1,2) - Control + G this rhythm, then NC swap
00:54:905 (5,1) - NC swap
00:58:782 (1) - // 01:01:736 (1) - // 01:07:274 (1) - // 01:10:228 (1) - Remove NC
It's basically the same explanation as the easy difficulty since here it happens the same. Also after applying those changes you will notice how all new combos are used on white lines (since these tend to be at the most prominent sound of the verse, usually a kick, snare, etc).
For first section -> Remove NC: 00:02:474 (1) - // 00:05:428 (1) - // 00:12:628 (1) -
Kiai -> NC swap: 00:13:090 (1,2) - NC swap for the kiai beginning and downbeat on the white tick.
00:14:474 (1,2) - Downbeat on white tick
00:15:766 (1,3) - Same ^
00:21:674 (1,3) - Same ^
00:33:859 (6) - Add NC
(These apply for both kiais, first and second sections (00:24:997 -> 00:36:813 // 01:24:074 -> 01:35:890)
[On a side note 00:41:982 (1,2) - should be fine since you do the same thing on top diff and for this diff is also fine, gives importance to these sounds]
00:49:920 (1,2) - NC swap for downbeat on white tick
00:53:613 (1) - // 00:58:228 (1) - Remove NC
00:58:966 (4,1) - Swap NC
01:04:690 (6,1) - Swap NC for vocal emphasis
01:11:890 (1,3) - Swap NC
01:35:520 (1,2) - Swap NC to emphasize 01:35:890 (2) - being the last note in the map (also at the end of kiai)
First section -> Swap NC: 00:02:474 (1,2) - // 00:05:428 (1,2) - // 00:08:382 (1,2) - // 00:11:336 (1,2) -
Remove NC: 00:12:628 (1) -
Kiai -> NC Swap: 00:13:090 (1,2) - NC swap for the kiai beginning and downbeat on the white tick.
00:14:474 (1,2) - Downbeat on white tick.
00:15:766 (1,3) - Same ^
00:21:674 (1,3) - Same ^
Add NC: 00:20:566 (5) -
Remove NC 00:36:443 (1) -
(These apply for both kiais, first and second sections (00:24:997 -> 00:36:813 // 01:24:074 -> 01:35:890)
00:44:197 (5) - // 00:47:151 (5) - Add NC for consistency with 00:38:290 (1) - or 00:41:243 (1) -
00:45:120 (1) - Remove NC
00:49:920 (1,2) - Swap NC for downbeat on white tick
[From 00:52:874 onwards it's literally a copypaste from the Hard diff which was adressed in a different mod, I will check the combos on this later after it is remapped.]
01:35:520 (1) - Remove NC for the same reason as mentioned in the hard, to emphasize 01:35:890 (1) - and because it doesn't make much sense to have two different combos here.
Missing hitsounds:
Easy -> 00:38:290 (2) - drum-hitnormal
00:39:766 (4) - drum-hitnormal
00:41:243 (1) - drum-hitnormal
00:48:628 -> 01:00:074 Here you just have a looooot of drum-hitnormal missing, it's weird to have it once in a while when the song still has them in the background
Normal -> 00:23:890 (3) - soft-hitclap
00:24:628 (5) - soft-hitclap
00:34:413 (1,2,3) - // 01:33:490 (1,2,3) - These 3 have soft-hitwhistle on their sliderbodies, head and tails, and this is the only diff where this happens, make it consistent with other diffs.
00:36:813 -> 01:11:890 A bunch of hitsounds missing in general, mostly kicks and snares, give it a look with music 10% and offset 50% (that's what I usually do to check missing hitsounds) and listen to where stuff is missing.
01:35:520 (1) - soft-hitclap
This is the only diff where you have snares at 00:36:813 onwards, is there any reason behind it? If not, consider keeping it consistent with other diffs (either also add snares to the other diffs or remove the snares of this section from the Normal diff, I suggest you add snares to every other diff where it's meant to be to give more feedback to the song as the snares keep on going in the song)
Hard -> 01:04:690 (6) - and 01:04:690 (6) - soft-hitwhistle since you are following vocals with whistles here
01:06:720 (2,3) - soft-hitwhistle
01:09:305 (2) - This should be drum-hitnormal instead of soft-hitclap
01:35:520 (1) - Should be soft-hitclap instead of drum-hitnormal
Christmas's Light -> 00:26:843 (4) - soft-hitwhistle
00:30:905 -> 00:36:443 Whole part missing soft-hitwhistle
00:38:659 (3) - // 00:41:613 (3) - // 00:42:166 (1) - // 00:47:520 (7) - soft-hitwhistle
01:01:920 (2) - This should be drum-hitnormal instead of soft-hitclap
01:04:874 (2) - Same ^
01:11:890 (4) - soft-hitclap
01:25:920 (4) - soft-hitwhistle
01:29:982 -> End of the map there are no more whistles.
I suggest you rework the way you use hitsounds as sometimes you decide to follow vocals like in top diff at 00:57:674 (2,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - but after this you just don't follow them anymore. Also you only do this in top diff and hard diff. If there isn't a justification for doing this then I suggest you just follow vocals (and melody when there isn't any such as the intro) with vocals in all difficulties as well, it is important your hitsounds are consistent on the set unless you have a good reason for having an specific difficulty with different hitsounding.
Add tags: merry xmas x-mas pop sped happy hardcore trance techno up! rave winter wham wham! george michael holiday perfect day natalie harler
for searchability.
Wham! is the band that made the original song, Natalie Harler is the vocalist of the nightcore version.
Perfect day is the name of the album.
It seems that you copy pasted the first kiai onto the second kiai and moved it around for every single difficulty.
Doing this much copypaste for sections is really boring for a difficulty since you are basically replaying the same content with the same rhythm all over again, you just flip it around and call it a day, but this affects the quality of your beatmap severely.
I'd suggest you remap those sections to add some variety as it would increase the quality of your beatmap by adding new patterns, sliders, jumps, etc. It gives life to the difficulties!