mapped by Ririmu
This beatmap was ranked on 17 March 2025!
nominated by skill issue lol and Verti
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if youre pushing the set, if you want you can change the marker to (Extended Ver.) with title case as per the new Metadata merge, its a guideline now that u can apply on markers like this

(#### Ver.)
- When song titles already have a length / version marker not covered above, it should be changed to a descriptive (#### Ver.) marker using title case. 

For example:
(Extended Version) -> (Extended Ver.)
(Long) -> (Long Ver.)

im not sure how much people apply this guideline when theres already a ranked version before the merge, since its not a rule, but this is something that u can do if you want


Ah okay got it, will do after the round ends, I was using the osz template from the fa listing



Marked as resolved by Ririmu