mapped by CodeC1
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Hi i'm here since i would give you some advice in case you wanna improve on mapping.

i see you're are new here and idk if you desire to improve your skills or you're doing this only for fun but althought you sent me this map on my modding forum i will give some feedback to improve your mapping style and make more playable your difficulties.

1st Step: Take care to cover the grid. Usually mappers use the whole grid that the editor gives and they make sure to cover almost all while mapping (comparing by 1st photo is your map and the 2nd photo is a ranked one), so for the next map you'll make try to expand your mapping vision and don't try to map all to the center.

2nd Step: Replace some patterns by your favorite mappers. A lot of mappers taken inspiration by their favorite mappers for starting mapping and then improve their styles for make them rankable, i also used this method for improve my style and it's been one of the best thing for understanding more about what was i wrong. There's any best mapper to take inspo, if you like someone's mapping style you can imitate it and nobody will say anything about it.

3rd Step: Train until you reach your goal. Nothing else to say, if you need someone to improve your mapping style you can find Pishifat's mapping videos, they are the best start for making the first rankable map but remember one thing, the only thing to rank your first map is trust to you progress.


thanks and i also map for fun and to improve my skills too


completely agree with this one


i think leomine gave pretty good advice, but for lower difficulties, it's pretty easy to mess up and cause issues, i'd recommend these sources for more info:

normal diffculties (youtube):

hard difficulties (google doc):
