need to check emphasis around 00:47:713 (5,1) - , for example 1 here has a strong downbeat +sound on sliderend, rhythm should be ctrl+g'd
00:49:713 (5) - still has strong sound sliderend, think splitting would be better, should be hdashed to that sound on 00:49:847 -
from 00:50:113 - to 00:52:247 - musical structure is in groups of 6 but it's mapped to groups of 4, making the emphasis completely wrong in the section. you'll need to restructure so that stuff like 00:50:513 (6) - 00:51:313 (2) - is more pronounced
01:58:513 (2) - given the intensity of the song, making these (the slderstart and end both) hypering into 01:58:647 (3) -