<- you might also want to copy the russian tags there also
This is a very subjective area that i'm gonna talk and i'm not a expert here, rhythmically the map is fine but visualy can be a whole other beast
You can make a "ugly" map on purpose, but you should generally stick with the theme for the whole map (unless you want to express a section with a different style but that's another story), the same thing goes to visualy good maps.
What i'm want to say is that the map itself feels very "begginer like", as if you don't have experience in structure and patterns and just mapped anything that came to your mind.
If you want (or not), i suggest you map focusing on a something, like a visually appealing map, and then when you dominate that you can start to break some "rules" and experiment.
Contacting other experienced mappers/modders could get you a better idea of what is visualy appealing since its very subjective
Its not exacly mapping different, i guess i wasn't clear enough, it was about making a consistent visually looking map, like 00:14:135 (10,1,2,3,4,5) - is better visually mapped that 00:15:638 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) which isn't at the same quality.
You can kinda make the map like 00:15:638 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10), there's probably some mappers/modders/bns that are fine with that, but (for this song) it should be more consistent, which 00:14:135 (10,1,2,3,4,5) breaks this consistency and makes it look more begginer like, with some ideas mixed up instead of a clear path to map
I'm not the best at explaining this things, so i hope you undestand what i mean with this or look for someone elso who can explain better that me
ive changed the patterns to be consistent (or atleast i think so), let me know if it is better
i found 3 useless red lines, the other ones are used for offset (i took these from the ranked mania set)