mapped by Aerousea
This beatmap was ranked on 28 January 2025!
nominated by fieryrage and Petal
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quick notes about these since i'm sure people will be wondering why these are here:

  • hitfinish118 is used 00:38:383 here and nowhere else -- there is still feedback on this in the form of a whistle, clap and hitnormal, all of which are not delayed
  • hitfinish89 is used 02:01:633 here and nowhere else -- there is still feedback on this in the form of a whistle and hitnormal, both of which are not delayed
  • hitfinish87 is used 03:47:644 here and nowhere else -- there is still feedback on this in the form of a hitnormal, which is not delayed
  • hitfinish223 is used 05:29:099 here and nowhere else (although the sampleset is used elsewhere, the finish hitsound isn't) -- there is still feedback on this in the form of a whistle and hitnormal, both of which are not delayed
  • hitfinish78 is used 05:46:554 here and nowhere else -- there is still feedback on this in the form of a whistle and hitnormal, both of which are not delayed
  • hitfinish88 is used 02:39:583 here and nowhere else (the sampleset is used 02:05:833 here as well, but there is no finish) -- there is still feedback on this in the form of a hitnormal, which is not delayed

going off this in the ranking criteria, all of these instances are allowed as there's one audible hitsound every time this is utilized

all of these finishes are used as "whoosh" sound effects


parts contribution

00:00:000 - 00:39:600 - arushii
00:39:600 - 00:58:800 - 9ami
00:58:800 - 01:22:800 - otwinkle

01:22:800 - 01:44:400 - arushii
01:44:400 - 02:03:600 - otwinkle
02:03:600 - 02:21:600 - 9ami
02:21:600 - 02:42:000 - arushii
02:42:000 - 03:13:200 - arushii

03:13:200 - 03:32:400 - otwinkle
03:32:400 - 03:50:934 - 9ami
03:50:934 - 04:17:116 - 9ami

04:17:116 - 04:34:571 - arushii
04:34:571 - 04:52:025 - 9ami
04:52:025 - 05:09:480 - arushii
05:09:480 - 05:22:571 - otwinkle
05:22:571 - 05:35:661 - 9ami
05:35:661 - 05:48:752 - otwinkle
