Shouldn't this have (Extended Edit) in metadata since all the official platforms and the in-game cutscene have this at 0:17~0:18 and this is artificially extended to loop twice? Just wanted to ask to double check since it wasn't discussed in the thread.
I mean I was just asking out of curiosity since if anything this would basically fall under lets just say like a Pokemon song loop as well which usually doesn't have Extended Edit so I just wanted to clarify just in case (but Pokemon metadata and official lengths are also a pain to find so idk if that's the best example lol whereas this one does) - Sadly this isn't official but yeah it actually lasts for 5 minutes to then start again in-game xD the actual song is indeed 17 seconds~
we have examples like this
(extended ver. marker was a thing back in the day when the maps were getting ranked)
while the song above is not even a loop, this marker isn't used. however, if this song an actual in-game loop, don't think any markers are required here since there are no specific markers to express that. i mean what do we use? Game ver.
? no, andrea said the original audio is like 5 minute long and then it repeats again (didn't play the game myself, so i can't say for sure). Cut
or Short ver.
? no as well because an actual audio is 17 seconds long. it would need like Looped ver.
marker, but it doesn't exist in metadata, so we should be good (considering that we have shadren's shining star extended audio to simply make it rankable)
If gacha games have a million haters, then I am one of them. If gacha games have ten haters, then I am one of them. If gacha games have only one hater then that is me. If gacha games have no haters, then that means I am no longer on earth. If the world is against gacha games, then I am the world.
00:33:648 (1) - just one thing if every diffs have a spinner. it's better to tone the volume down to probably like 60% or below down since it fades out slowly