just for a bit clean can you make a space after the dot in the diff name to be Snow-white sakura. Unforgotten memories.
.. let me mod audio in advance .
old audio is bad (128k) , after talk with mapper we found it seems this song have two version , and there are some obvious differences ( like ... 03:06:912 - 03:37:681 - etc , album version have extra "a" vocal ) . mapper prefer use the web version , but it seems there is no better quality audio available . so decide to provide two versions of files with better quality that I can find , let mapper decide .
web version :
176k ogg edit by similar quality acc file from https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm15034898 , still have better spek than 192k mp3 .
album version :
q6 ogg edit by lossless file
both same offset