mapped by heitonto
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00:09:137 - 00:14:189 - should rather be mapped as 1/1 since the extended vocal has no clear snapping compared to - 00:07:242 - where you have a new vocal every new red tick. I recommend to move - 00:09:295 -> 00:09:926 - and - 00:14:347 -> 00:14:979 - so it gets more consistent in structure and also has a more natural player experience.


same for - 00:24:452 -> 00:25:084 -


yeaa moved all three

Marked as resolved by what the hell

even tho it is the same on terms of vocals - 00:16:558 - 00:17:821 - 00:19:084 - is always differently mapped which seems a little weird to me. I think the idea of - 00:19:084 - is very nice to follow the vocals great so implementing them on the other two spots can work nice so my idea is to make - 00:16:716 - xx xx instead of x x x because destorying the finisher is not really good. For - 00:17:821 - I think you can delete this note since the vocal is not as clear as - 00:19:084 - and start the xx xx from - 00:17:979 - on instead.


ya i think i misheard the vocal rhythms, i adjusted the patterns

Marked as resolved by what the hell

delete - 00:20:505 - first of all since is it very hard to hit a chain of xxx xx xxxx on a futsuu in a non kiai section and also are you only mapping to vocals in this whole chain of notes and this is the only note which is not mapped to the vocals so it makes sense to delete it


oki removed

Marked as resolved by what the hell

not sure if you will like this but I think it can give a really good contrast if you delete all notes from - 00:26:505 ~ 00:28:716 - and also delete - 00:28:873 - it is indeed subjective but especially on a lower diff it is sometimes hard to make a section like this different from the other one and I think making this a break will give the contrast needed since this is the only time when this section in the song has no drums really so making it different is definitely needed imo.


add a note - 00:54:452 - for the stutter and to make the buildup a little bit more clear.


oo ok

Marked as resolved by what the hell

01:37:242 ~ 01:41:347 - looks very unstructured rn it feels very inconsistent in terms of note placement which makes it very weird for a futsuu player to get a consistent view on how the notes will be placed. It is not very long yes but with a structure of x__xx_x___x xx__x___x_x___x I cannot gasp any consistency behind it. My recommendation is to make the structure like this: x_x_x__xx_x_x__xx_x_x___x_x it follows the vocals pretty clear and makes it way easier to follow the rhythm as a player.


i was mapping to the instrumentals, the dons are for bass and kats are for claps
personally i think it's pretty intuitive? following vocals could work too tho
