00:46:716 ~ 01:06:926 - This section lacks very much of contrast especially on the second half of the section. It is almost the same difficulty as the kiai if not even higher like - 01:01:873 ~ 01:06:610 - which is probably even hard since you have a longer chain there for no clear reason at least to me. I personally think you just need to remove some 1/4 rhythms from your structure to make this part easier and more outstanding compared to your kiai.
remove - 00:47:110 - 00:48:373 - 00:49:637 - 00:51:373 - 00:52:163 - 00:53:426 - 00:54:531 - - to split some vocals in density
remove - 00:50:663 - 00:50:742 - 00:57:847 - 00:58:163 - 00:58:637 - 01:02:426 - 01:02:110 - 01:04:005 - 01:04:952 - for a little structural break. Of course most of them are very subjective but it's more to give you some ideas on what you can change so you can also delete your own stuff and change it as you like to as long as the density goes down.