mapped by Verti
last updated
This beatmap wasn't updated since 25 January 2025 so it was graveyarded...
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Honestly for a goddamn average of 300 BPM this diff is pretty easy overall, i dont wanna hear anything about this being hard cuz u just need to know ar 10 and have stamina to fc this ._.XD


The maps bpm change in the middle at 01:31:319 is very hard to encapsulate in a sight-read scenario. This issue can lead to many uncharacteristic misses by players, since; the bpm change is not very expectant from the first try, due to the fact that; it is after a melody that slows down counteractively to the bpm change which ramps up. This issue can be fixed by reducing the amount of movement inputs that are required in the part after the bpm change - 01:31:319 to 01:37:939. Doing this will result in a much smoother transition in terms of playability, furthermore; will not catch the player that is sight-reading off guard.


no its not

Marked as resolved by Verti

