mapped by qish
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00:21:588 - remove the first doublet notes at 00:21:588 and 00:25:092? would be cleaner imo to reserve the 1/4 for the vocals and guitar here


applied o7

Marked as resolved by qish

00:28:048 - since you mapped the guitar triplet at 00:21:040 and 00:24:544, you could map the other guitar triplets in this section to be fully consistent?

add 1/4 triplet for these guitar triplets: 00:28:048, 00:35:055, 00:42:062, 01:59:143, 02:06:150

feel free to change some of the filler vocal triplets to fit the guitar instead


also remove the finisher at 00:28:267 to be consistent with the other parts (e.g. 00:42:281, 01:52:354, 02:06:369)


tried to mix and match
applied the triplets to 00:28:048, 00:35:055, 00:42:062, 01:59:143, 02:06:150 o7

Marked as resolved by qish

00:40:310 - 00:41:405 - since you mapped 00:33:303 - 00:35:274 with a lot of 1/4 triplets, you could do the same here? either that or remove some of the 1/4 triplets earlier to make the 1/4 patterning a bit more consistent

same for 02:04:398 - 02:05:493

also not sure if the doublet note at 00:41:734 is intentional considering 02:05:931 is a single note


00:53:559 - feels a bit inconsistent to have this drum note unmapped while 00:55:310 is mapped, maybe you could map 00:53:449 and 00:55:310 as 1/4 doublets to fit the drum + vocal?

same for the second kiai at 02:17:537


same for the other diffs, it would be better to either stick to the vocals or the drums only, instead of switching from vocals to drums here


haven't applied yet to the other diffs but applied the doublets to these timestamps for now


01:18:851 - the note density seems to drop here even though this is still part of the kiai / chorus, i think you could add more 1/4 for the ending kiai section here?

same for the other kiais


can apply to the other diffs as well


01:45:128 - might want to consider removing 01:45:128 and 01:48:632 for the vocal breaks?


also, it would be more fitting to shift 01:46:004 -> 01:45:566 and 01:49:508 -> 01:49:070 for the piano and vocal echo

can also add 01:42:062 to be consistent with the piano


02:48:413 - map this as a spinner instead to be consistent with the other two kiais? either that or fill in the spinners in the other kiais with notes to be consistent

02:50:165 - also since you mapped the drums as small notes after the spinner in the other kiais, i think you could do the same?

make 02:50:165 - 02:50:821 as small notes (and add a note for the drum at 02:50:602), and just keep the last finisher at 02:51:040


03:01:442 - remove this note since the vocal isn't really that strong here?
