some general feedback for patterning:
the 1/4 patterning (or note density in general) can be more polished. based on the intensity of the song, you can use short 1/4 patterns in sections where the song is less intense, and longer 1/4 where the song is more intense
for example, the section (00:19:433) has more frequent and longer 1/4 patterning, compared to the next section 00:42:170. however, based on the intensity of the song, the previous section is probably less intense (or about the same). also, this isn't consistent with the second part of the map e.g. 01:59:696, where there are longer 1/4 patterns
another example is at the intro 00:09:168, where it is mainly 1/2 with a bit of 1/4, which is more fitting for futsuu/muzukashii instead of inner oni. based on the intensity of the song, the intro part should probably be mapped with a lot more 1/4 compared to the next section at 00:19:433. you can look at the outro (04:01:749) which has basically the same melody but with vocals, where there is much more 1/4 patterning
also for the outro, i would prefer cutting up the streams for the held vocals since it doesn't seem consistent, for example the held vocal at 04:01:591 isn't mapped as a stream, also the stream is cut at 04:08:459 even though the held vocal is still present. the streams can be split into 1/4 patterns such as 5-plets or 7-plets instead
(the only part of the song which seems ok to do a long 1/4 stream is the synths at 02:53:538 imo)
the 1/4 patterning in the kiai can also be more consistent, for example the 1/4 stream at 01:03:643 is followed by a bunch of 1/1 or short 1/2 notes (e.g. at 01:18:485). however, it would be better to keep the note density (1/4 patterns) consistent throughout the kiai since the song intensity doesn't change a lot in the chorus
basically cut these 1/4 streams up, and add more 1/4 patterns instead of multiple 1/1 rests or short 1/2, which doesn't fit inner oni
based on the intensity of the song, you can map 01:02:380 - 01:22:433 and 02:15:643 - 02:35:696 with roughly the same 1/4 patterning. the last chorus 03:41:538 - 04:01:591 seems more intense compared to the previous two kiais so you can add more frequent or longer 1/4 patterns
you can use a tool like mapset verifier to check for pattern consistency in similar parts of the map, and also for other unrankable issues
it's also common to copy-paste the rhythms for similar parts of the song (and change a bit of the note colours for variation), to make the patterns for similar parts of the map consistent
#4. you can probably add a bit more finishers throughout the map? i noticed some of the strong notes (such as cymbal crashes) aren't mapped (e.g. the intro)
as a start, you could map all of the cymbal crashes in the song as finishers