00:04:308 (1,2,3,4) - feel like the spacing on these is quite underwhelming given the intensity of the drums. I do understand that you want to build into the song, but if you compare it to the spacing on similarly intense drums (such as 00:55:921 (1,2,3,4) - 00:56:728 (1,2,3,4) -) it is relatively quite low spacing.
Would recommend to buff it a bit. You can still keep the same pattern.
00:05:437 (1,2) - I understand the 1/4 rhythm gap, but the finish and overall jump in intensity in the song on 00:06:889 (2) - is so huge, but the 1/4 is still overlapped. I could possibly understand this in an insane diff, but in an expert like this, I'd highly recommend to space it out. It would also lead to better movement into the following patterns (which use comparatively huge spacing). Would recommend you to space (2) out so that it's no longer overlapped.
00:12:050 (1,2,3,4,5) - no need for such giga spacing, this whole pattern has the same intensity and should be roughly the same as well.
Should decrease the spacing difference for 00:12:050 (1,2) -
00:18:825 (6,7,8) - this is very minor, but you could slightly rearrange these to form a more visually appealing pattern -> https://prnt.sc/PZpCRhVlURvr
00:33:179 (3,4) - move a bit to the left for consistent visual spacing between 00:32:696 (1,2) - and 00:33:663 (5,1) -.
00:19:792 (1,2) - how about a 3/4 slider on 00:19:792 - into 1/2 slider on 00:20:115 -?
It would follow vocals a bit more accurately, and remove the need for the filler rhythm here 00:20:276 (2) -
00:21:728 (6,7) - I think this could be a 1/1 slider into a circle to follow both the vocals and the overall song intensity more accurately.
You might think that the drum on 00:21:889 - would be ignored this way, but I think it's fine, due to my suggested rhythm staying consistent with your choice to ignore the drum sound on 00:21:083 - and map it passively here 00:18:502 -.
00:24:308 (1) - Actually, in this case, I would recommend to do the opposite of my suggestion in #4606218.
The reason is, the song is now building into a transition into a more intense section of the song. Due to this, I feel that the simplified rhythm to follow the vocal, and ignoring the strong drum sound on 00:24:470 - is a bit misrepresentative of the song.
I would recommend a rhythm such as this instead, but maybe something else of your choice would suit it better -> https://prnt.sc/3cjEkr5j8jpD
00:27:050 (1,2,3) - I can't help but feel like a pattern like this would work better https://prnt.sc/5sxiubBdah8G, both visually and in gameplay.
Your current pattern doesn't really emphasis anything, and feels quite uncomfortable & even out of place coming out of comfy triangle jumps.
00:28:179 (4) - I think this would be better as a 1/2 slider into a circle instead of a 1/2 reverse.
I just feel like the reverse underrepresents the drum on 00:28:179 (4) -, as well as not allowing for enough emphasis into 00:28:663 (1) -.
00:29:792 (5) - I think it would be best to do two circles here instead to emphasise the drums a bit better.
Your current usage of a 1/2 slider doesn't feel representative given that you used more active rhythms on 00:29:147 (2,3) - for less intense sounds.
00:34:470 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1) - there are no real strong sounds here to support such a huge spacing increase, its a slow build up you can hear like the noise sound in the background getting louder
This really takes away the intensity from moments like 00:37:212 (5,6) - which uses similar spacing
I Suggest lowering spacing and making it more progressive
00:36:083 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - This pattern looks quite uneven in a map like this, given that you're going for a clean generic style.
Try something like this instead -> https://prnt.sc/1N_HEHu0Cvkz
Keep the spacing consistent between 00:37:696 (1,2) - and 00:38:179 (2,3) - either nerf or buff one or the other to do this, since at no point has the intensity of vocal or drums changed, yet spacing is different between the objects.
00:40:437 (1,2) - buff spacing significantly, current spacing into (2) feels extremely underwhelming given the nature of the downbeat on 00:40:921 -.
00:43:663 (5,6,1) - I don't really see any reason to have such huge spacing between these objects. Vocal intensity has clearly reduced, so I'd recommend to reflect that in your spacing. Just make sure to keep a bit of the emphasis into 00:44:308 (1) -.
00:45:276 (4,5,6,7,1) - Reverse the rhythm logic here. The active 1/4 should be on the stronger instrumental starting here 00:45:599 -, yet current rhythm does not do this.
To stay consistent with this:
-> 00:46:244 (1) - should be active.
-> 00:46:889 (3,4) - should be 1/4 (can do kickslider here to represent the lower intensity of the drum.)
As well as the above issue, it just feels a bit too simplified for an expert difficulty to use passive 1/4 for strong drum sounds.
00:48:502 (2,3) - 00:49:631 (2,3) - nerf spacing to better emphasise the more intense vocals and instrumental here 00:49:147 (4,1) - 00:49:954 (3,4) - 00:50:437 (5,1) -
00:52:696 (1,2,1) - I think a progressive spacing increase would fit the vocals' increasing pitch here, rather than having big spacing into everything as it is currently.
00:53:986 (4,5) - Nerf spacing into (5), and buff spacing between 00:54:308 (5,6) - to better emphasise the vocals.
00:54:792 (7,8,9,10,1) - This pattern/rhythm feels a bit unrepresentative, given the stronger sound on 00:54:953 (9) - compared to the rest of the sounds you mapped with this burst.
I think a good way to emphasise this note would be to either do a direction change on 00:54:953 (9) -, or replace 00:54:792 (7,8) - with a kickslider and space accordingly.
Because of the monotonous spacing usage between 01:00:276 (3,4,5) -, the intense vocal and downbeat on 01:01:083 - feels quite underemphasised.
Would recommend to nerf the spacing between 01:00:276 (3,4,5) - to fix this.
01:04:954 (1) - could reduce the 1/1 slider chain on each downbeat for this one since there is vocals on 01:05:276 -
-> a 1/2 slider instead + a circle would be a nice alternative (if you apply could also represent the vocals with a 1/2 slider 01:05:437 (2,3) - )
01:06:244 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - I couldn't really understand the way you used flow here.
You start off with clockwise circular flow between 01:06:244 (1,2,1,2) -, but then move into horizontal back and forth flow 01:06:889 (1,2) - into counter-clockwise circular flow between 01:07:050 (2,1,2) -.
I think it would definitely make more sense to keep the same direction of flow between all of the jumps here 01:06:244 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) -, and instead put the direction change on 01:07:534 (1) - where the song's instrumental meaningfully changes.
01:12:696 (3,4,5,6) - If you wanted to do high intensity for the vocal, you should instead start your dense rhythm usage & high spacing here 01:11:889 - since the drums are doing the same thing as they are starting here 01:12:696 -. Basically, reverse the rhythm logic.
01:12:696 (1,2,3,4) - this active rhythm here is kinda overdone, the vocals are held and there are no drums on 01:12:857 (2,4) - and 01:11:889 (2,4) -
I would make this 01:11:889 (2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4) - more passive to match the songs lesser intensity here. Notice how this also makes 01:13:341 (5,6) - stand more out then
01:13:341 (1,2) - spacing here takes away the much needed emphasis into 01:13:986 (1) -, reverse spacing logic in this case to fix this.
01:20:437 (1,2) - nerf spacing into (2) to stay consistent with the spacing into 01:21:083 (4) -
01:21:405 (5) - move to the right a bit for consistent visual spacing between 01:21:083 (4,1) -
01:26:889 (1,2,3,4) - I know it's subjective here, but I really feel like these sudden huge horizontal jumps are just too much.
Either change the pattern to be more comfortable, or nerf the spacing between the objects here. It's just too much for this difficulty, especially since it's not top difficulty.