00:35:111 (2) - consider changing this so the arrow points to the direction that the sliderball goes, while i do think its a cool concept i think it should still be clear where the sliderball will go even on a short slider.
01:18:785 (1) - this is really underwhelming since you go from basically no spacing 01:18:434 (3,1) -> here to 01:18:785 (1,1) -> here to very big spacing, would increase spacing here to emphasize the kick like you do 01:18:961 (1,1,1,1) -> here
nah trying to make 01:18:083 (1,2,3) - stand out more here by making 01:18:785 (1) - less impactful
01:24:711 (7) - the vocal here is actually on the red tick on 1/4th, would consider moving it onto 1/4th red tick instead so it actually follows the vocal and doesnt give any confusion to the player
would feel really out of place considering the entire section is 1/3 + guitar feels more prominent to follow here and its on 1/3
01:52:125 (2,3,4,2,3,4) - consider ncing all of these since the bpm changes so much that this is the same as the bpm before just as 1/3rd, this can confuse the player and would help readability if you nc them