mapped by EmsTheBetrayed
last updated
Note: This beatmap is marked as a work-in-progress by the creator.
Hype Train10 / 5
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00:56:285 (2) - make this a slider too so it fits with the rest of the pattern?


this one doesnt have the same high pitch sound as all the ones before so i made it different

Marked as resolved by Kimchi Sandwich

01:26:285 (3,4) - whys spacing so high here for no reason, would prefer the higher spacing between 01:26:535 (4,1) - these two personally cuz it emphasizes the vocals coming back in


the spacing is consistent with 01:25:230 (3,1) - as its the exact same sound
01:26:480 (4,1) - the shift in direction here as well as the repeat slider already make it different enough that the change is felt in gameplay

Marked as resolved by Kimchi Sandwich

01:58:730 (2,2,2) - covering sliderbodies here is kinda not it and this already looks like 2 circles with how it's placed.


gone as a result of another change

Marked as resolved by Kimchi Sandwich