00:27:136 (2) - unsnapped
yes it seems 1/8 rhythm, maybe to be snapped with 1/4 rhythm is better
there's nothing going on there, 1/1 seems way better
yeah since the hi hat lands on the 1/1 so it would make sense to snap to the white tick
hey its still on 1/8
update :)
How about take 01:02:325 (1,2,3) - longer
I moved 2 to make it a bit bigger (1.2x -> 1.5x)
01:17:568 (1) - could change to 1/2 slider instead because 1/4 reverse slider just doesnt support the music
(theres a 1/4 snare burst?)
i dont think there is, but if there is its pretty hard to catch
I think its fine because there is drums (hard to hear) and it adds to the intensity of the end but I Ctrl-H the slider to make it less awkward