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Distance snap (Can be checked from aimod)


All distance snap issues are related to 1/2 circles after sliderends which are made that way on purpose. Which I think is allowed maybe? probably? hopefully? I'll reopen this if it's not xd.

Marked as resolved by GirlsKissing

01:54:635 - I think this part should be buffed, cuz rn it is mapped similar with 00:24:282 -, but it is a way more intense.

I guess you can solve this problme with adding some extra 1/2 slider and circles.
My suggestion:
01:57:988 - circle
01:58:871 (3,4) - replace to 2 1/2 sliders
02:03:635 - circle


yea <3

Marked as resolved by GirlsKissing

not sure why you decided to not map this section from 01:09:459 to 01:31:694, since it is pretty to map, since you can repeat this pattern on 01:09:459 - 01:10:871, 01:15:106 - 01:16:518, 01:20:753 - 01:22:165, and 01:26:400 - 01:27:812 and put a break after each:


fixed my laziness ><

Marked as resolved by GirlsKissing