00:12:282 (1,2) - spacing kinda a lot
I'll decrease like a tiny bit but overall I think it's fine because the sudden snare spam
01:12:282 (2) - 1/8 better fit on and 'trrrrrrrrrrrr' vocal
went with 1/6 instead cuz I think 1/8 is a bit too fast
01:12:282 (2) - funny section, same with 01:23:577 (2,3,4) -
01:23:577 (2) - the repeat doesnt land on either of the 2 vocals which are on 01:24:194 - and 01:24:371 -
maybe change to 2 circles?
done but I changed it to a slider instead
01:24:988 (3) - doesn't really follow anything, move it to 01:24:900 - if u want to follow vocal
did 01:24:930 instead but yea