00:20:712 (6) - inconsistency in emphasis here, seeing as you skipped the white tick at 00:19:067 (4) -
either add note to the (4) or make single note
00:26:325 (1) - seems so here too, would be better to just have a circle personally since you do it at 00:27:777 (10) - but its up to you
00:24:680 (7) - could emphasis the 'go' vocal with a long blue tick slider for a better snap into the 2nd half of the kiai, feels dull atm
00:33:970 (4) - long blue tick slider feels better here just for the vocal, same reasoning as #4805152
00:52:358 (2,3) - the synths are quite muffled and there are no kicks, i suggest that this can be grouped into one pattern, probably a wiggle, hyper is too much for this i'll be fair
00:53:809 (3) - could change this up into a triple for different patterning to keep it less dull and also emphasis synth noise in the middle there