mapped by Dekovner
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00:05:547 (1,2) - honestly would advise removing these as waiting six seconds before actually playing the map is kinda weird + only diff that does this


removing +1

Marked as resolved by Cryceptio

00:38:305 (27) - delete for rest moment as u go 26/1 without one (and that's a 3x1/1 with finishers too so its a little hard for a rest moment LOL)


for rest moment +1

Marked as resolved by Cryceptio

00:48:995 (78) - as much as i like the idea once again you do not have rest moments for twice as long as you should so i think a finisher here with 2/1 following would be preferable as sliders do not count as rest moments (even if they do not need to be hit)


d D if that's cool +1

Marked as resolved by Cryceptio