Quoting MV, there are some unused hitsounds that have to be removed from the folder:
I always wondered why the kiais for the 1st and 3rd choruses were partitioned that way, and not made continuous like on the 2nd chorus. It's probably better to keep a consistent idea throughout the map.
Add osu!catch 3 Digit World 3CWC Round of 16 Ro16 Hidden HD1
to tags (2024 is already there), since eks-tra was custom made for that tournament https://wybin.xyz/tournaments/osu-catch-3-digit-world-cup-iv/mappools#round-of-16
As for the CICO-related tags, just adding Qualifiers
should suffice, as ego-ism was also a HD1 map https://wybin.xyz/tournaments/catch-indonesia-cup-open-2024/mappools#qualifiers
could be included too (Yumi Uchimura)
is missing
is doubled, you can delete one of them
Difficulty naming could be changed as "jemzuu's ra-in" to follow the general patterning + "ex-tra" to keep it correctly spelled (: