Your map could definitely benefit from better contrast. Pretty much every section in the map has the same click density completely disregarding the song intensity and making it boring to play due to the map being very monotonous.
Although this issue is present throughout the whole map, the most apparent example occurs within the verse and chorus sections 00:23:398 (1) - 00:53:714 (1) -.
The song's intensity changes are very clear, although the map remains pretty much unchanged in click density. The only real difference between the 2 sections is that there are more 1/1 gaps in the verse compared to the kiai part.
It would be good if you toned down the verse and intro sections making them easier and more passive click wise to better represent the song (e.g 00:34:135 (3,4) - making this a 1/1 slider) and improving the overall emphasis of the map in the process.
the stacking logic between the verse and the chorus could use a swap, verse section has actual jumps while the song is less intense (ex. 00:24:620 (4,5,6)) while the chorus opts to stack 1/2 rhythms instead which feels underwhelming for an intense part (ex. 00:55:093 (1,2,3,4,5,6))
additionally when the intensity drops in the chorus you then decide to add jumps (01:04:093 (3,4,1,2,3,4)) which is a bit counterintuitive
would be a good idea to use stacking to reflect the intensity of the section of the song, opting to use stacks in the less intense parts for less movement and spacing out circles for the more intense section