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I've noticed this diff has some RC break pattern

00:30:071 - , 00:31:143 - , 00:31:857 - , 00:37:571 - ... etc
00:53:643 - , 00:59:357 - , 01:00:785 - , 01:05:071 - ... etc
02:07:393 - , 02:10:250 - , 02:13:107 - ... etc
Avoid chords with more than 2 notes. This includes long note patterns that involve notes in more than two columns. However, using a double that is played with the other hand than the long note is fine.

00:51:143 -
01:01:321 -
01:11:143 -
01:35:339 -
01:40:428 -
01:47:928 -
01:54:000 -
01:59:357 -
02:04:178 -
02:26:857 -
void using more than 5 consecutive 1/4 notes.

Please make sure to fix them


这个set里easy normal hard是使用了deemo的难度名。真正spread是NHII,即这张图是hard diff

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