00:04:120 -> 00:08:120 you dont represent any of the vocal as LN but now suddenly you map them at 00:08:120 (8120|3,8370|1,8620|0,9370|0,9620|3). The sudden jump in LN is quite inconsistent and abrupt. I think a better Idea so that both sections arent inconsistent is to map the more pronounced vocals as LN such as 00:04:620 (4620|1) - 00:05:120 (5120|1) - 00:05:620 (5620|0) - 00:06:620 (6620|0) - etc. This would also be good because in hard diff there are a ton more LN compared to normal diff
I changed the rice at 00:04:620 - 00:05:120 - 00:05:620 - 00:06:620 - 00:07:370 - to 1/2 LN
I decided to changed LN at 00:08:120 (8120|2) - 00:08:370 (8370|1) - to rice
I'm reopening this since it's still messy
Following more pronounced vocal is nice but we will miss some vocal like 00:07:120 and 00:09:120 which are forced to be single due to the criteria
so my suggestion would be to ignore vocal for this section and just follow the instrumental here and maybe create like a consistent pattern
My suggestion would be to actually keep this pattern of 00:04:120 (4120|1,4120|0,4370|3,4495|2,4620|1) - and repeat it
you mapped this sound here 00:11:870 00:11:995 00:12:120 as 1/2 Ln but here 00:12:870 (12870|0) - 00:16:870 (16870|3) - as single
00:15:120 (15120|2,15370|2) - I don't see why this being same in 1 col, I think could be similar to Hard
, example
00:23:120 (23120|0,23370|0) - , 01:21:120 (81120|1,81370|1) - , too
00:25:997 (25997|3) - no drum here so i think you should remove it, then make 00:25:872 (25872|2) - 1/1 ln similar to 00:12:872 (12872|0) - where there are only synth sounds
00:27:122 (27122|3,27372|3) - , 01:33:122 (93122|0,93372|0) - looking at the similar sound like 00:19:122 (19122|3,19372|2) - , I don't think this should be jack, could arrange a bit so they didn't jack, example
and mirror in the second section
00:47:622 - is much more prominent than 00:47:497 (47497|2) - so i think considering that a lot of emphasis is put on the vocal, u should move 00:47:497 (47497|2) - up by 1/2
01:00:120 (60120|2,60120|3,60370|0,60370|1,60620|2,60620|3,60870|0,60870|1,61120|3,61120|2) - I would do right-right-left-right-left
01:08:620 (68620|2,68870|3) - how about making these to 1/1 LNs, kinda similar to 01:08:120 (68120|3) - , example
01:12:620 (72620|3) - how about change this into 1/1 LN to cover the vocal
01:13:372 (73372|2) - too
subjective minor thing
01:36:872 (96872|3,96872|1,96997|1,97122|0,97372|2,97497|1,97622|0,97872|3,97872|1,97997|2,98122|1) - i think we can improve the patterning here a little as atm it feels a little stale as they are so similar in structure and all facing the same direction
01:38:872 - very minor, think you could re-arrange a bit since right hand a bit heavy because of this 01:37:372 (97372|2,97497|3,97872|3,97997|2,98370|3,98870|2,98995|3,99370|3,99495|2) - , example
another very minor thing, 01:41:620 (101620|0) - could extend to 01:42:122 - because the guitar still continue. Apply to Hard
and top diff too