00:04:120 (4120|1,4370|1,4620|1,4995|1,5370|1,5620|1,5870|1,6120|1) - this anchor is simply way too long, suggest rearranging this part
00:05:122 (5122|3) - and 00:06:622 (6622|1) - i think should be 1/1 as it is the same vibe as 00:05:622 (5622|0) - and would better match the length of the vocal
00:05:622 (5622|0) - I think you could extend this to 00:05:872 - the vocal still continues, 00:06:622 (6622|0) - too
00:07:372 (7372|0) - I think you miss snap this, should be 1/4 longer
Consider to make this 00:06:122 (6122|0,6372|1,6497|2) - 1/2 LN cuz there is vocal
same issue 00:12:122 (12122|3) - as #4659354
i cant seem to understand why one of the lns are different when they are initially representing the same thing
00:15:372 (15372|1) - better to make this a normal rice imo as the synth here isnt really noteworthy
00:33:120 (33120|2,33245|1,33245|0) - you're using a double minijack on double snares so this one should be one too
00:39:122 (39122|0,39245|0) - Here You used Mini-jacks for Background Precision but then for the same sound you used Jump trills at 00:41:120 (41120|1,41120|0,41247|3,41247|2,41372|0,41372|1) - You should maintain proportions and flow, try changing this to a Mini-jack as well like this Or that first one will simply become a random Jack out of nowhere.
00:41:872 - I think there is lot of notes in col 4 compare to other col, how about spread it more a little bit.
In addition, 00:44:122 (44122|1,44620|1) - I don't think both of this have similar vocal and I don't think 00:45:372 (45372|2) - the breath worth LN, how about re-arrange a little and change the LN to regular note in 00:45:372 - , example for all
Again, here 00:44:120 (44120|1,44120|0,44120|3,44370|3,44370|2) - You are using hybrid Patterns to match the vocal and the bass in the background but then 1 Quarter note later, here 00:45:122 (45122|1,45122|0,45372|2,45622|3) - You are using completely different pattern. You should change this too into something like: It doesn't have to be the same as above but you should try to preserve proportions.
You are using Jumps for the precision so why use Mini-Jack here 01:14:870 (74870|3,74995|3) - Try change it too. You can try something like: Notice that I changed the notes below too, that is so you don't end up with unnecessary anchors.