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yoooo this map is my fav i'm obsessed with one room now bc of you
bagjettka this is so peak
very fun map
I love this map <3 it helps me practice for my chordjack i get better and better <3
just realized this is a bagjettka ranked map :scream:
easiest 5 star
1st 4* ss
i fucking love this type of songs.sad that when they are ranked, they are mostly only jacks.
what else should it be? the song is only suitable for jacks, since it's mostly 1/1 and 1/2 sounds
idk, i see a dumpstream/dense handstream chart in my head. like with "My awesome flat chest on the ground".
i love this bagjettka guy
bagjettka ranked mapa to szalona rzecz
this is just a race to see who gets 1m first atp, fun map tho
new bagjettka ranked map 😱
taiko always gets the bangers istg
wake up this is NOT taik
free 317 pp
PP CJ FARM MAP IN MANIA?????!?!?!?!??!?!/1/!?!/!? WHATTTTedit: only epsilon players can farm
Almost first 1mil score
first 4 star SS meow meow https://osu.ppy.sh/scores/3352714342
i thought this was harumachi clover
Banger first ranked set, love me some rice jacks 🍚🍚🍚
icecake remix
no way its harumachi clover
why 230bpm is in tags?
just asking lel
to po prostu nierealne! gratuluję!
Congrats on your soon first ranked!
thanks mono
Życie jest bez sensu i wszyczy zginiemy!!!!
Until bagjetkkaET qualified a map...
my goat
woah nice! Congratulations with qualified :3
PL: Siema, dzieki tej mapie znowu uwierzylem w to ze bagjettka to lepszy mapper niz underjoy.ENG: Whats' up, thanks to this map i once again believed that bagjettka is better mapper than underjoy.
meow meow
fun map
thank YOU