00:20:372 (44) - remove this note and make 00:20:215 a finisher, makes for good emphasis into this next section
I am not entirely sure what you mean here, 00:30:320 (42,43,44,45) - these are dons and these 00:32:847 (52,53,54,55) - are kats since the music is quite different here, that's what I was trying to highlight by making them different colors
lol is not necessary, i am nothing close to being an expert taiko mapper, basically my first map im trying to push to ranked
00:25:189 (15) - should i just remove this, or should i also remove it and make 00:25:268 (16) - a finisher? not quite sure if it's okay in muzu
since u didn't finisher 01:45:794 then i think leaving 00:25:268 (16) - as is should fine good enough